Díaz Collao
Research associate
Undergraduate degree in Music Theory from Universidad de Chile (2012), Masters in Hispanic Music (2016) and PhD. in Musicology from Universidad de Valladolid (2020). He has developed ethnographies on sound, music and ritual practices in Morocco and in Wallmapu. He is co-author, together with Enrique Cámara de Landa, of the book “To Know You Better. Institutional and bibliographic resources for research of popular traditional music”, edited by the SIbE-Sociedad de Etnomusicología. He is member of the National Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM–Chile) and on the executive board of the Sociedad Chilena de Musicología. He is recent winner of the Samuel Claro Valdés Latin American Musicology Prize (2022).
Currently, he is a Fondecyt postdoctoral researcher at the Music Institute at Universidad Alberto Hurtado and associate researcher for Núcleo Milenio Center for Music and Sound Cultures (CMUS) and at the Center for Research on Music, Sound and Listening Practices (Núcleo de Investigación en Música, Sonido y Escucha – NIMSE). His current project explores, together with Mapuche musicians, the relationships between identity, sound, music and listening practices in Santiago.